Activating your new Marfeel mobile site for Blogger only requires a few simple steps. All you need to do is change a few settings and implement the code we provide and amaze your readers with your new design and engaging format. 

We do all the heavy lifting but we need your help with these 7 easy steps to get it up and running:

Step 1

In the administration view of your blog click “Template” on the left menu

Step 2

Click on the settings of the Mobile version of your blog

Step 3

Switch from the mobile template to the desktop template. Otherwise Blogger will block our version of your site.

Step 4

Click on Edit HTML under “Live on Blog”

Step 5

Look through your code for a line saying “<head>”

Step 6

Directly below the line saying “<head>” is where you must paste this code:

Partners on the bc.marfeelcache domain.

<script data-mrf-script="garda" data-mrf-host="" src="" data-cfasync="false"></script> 

Partners on the b.marfeelcache domain.

<script data-mrf-script="garda" data-mrf-host="" src="" data-cfasync="false"></script> 

Step 7

Deactivate any additional elements on Blogger that affect the mobile version of your site.

If you have any questions or concerns about setting up your site please contact us at

Please note, if you have an with a server-side redirection, this must be disabled to ensure only one unique URL is used for both your desktop and mobile sites.