This section in Atenea is about explaining how to verify that the Marfeel version of your site is working correctly and how to make it public so that your readers can view it.

First, you need to install the plugin. To install the plugin, ensure that you follow the steps in B2B - How to install the plugin. Once you're sure that it's active, proceed to the settings page to make sure it's been configured correctly. For that, follow these steps:

1: In your Word Press dashboard, click MarfeelPress.

2: By default, the setting for those who can see the Marfeelized version is set to OFF. Set it to LOGGED (as shown below) and click Save changes.

3: You can now emulate your settings to verify if all the features are working well on your Wordpress site. To do so, right click on your screen.

4: Click Inspect.

5: Select an Android phone or an iPhone.

6: Once the site has been fully loaded, remember to refresh your screen (F5).

7: Now, let's test your AMP (to view the 'Marfeelized' version) to confirm that it's working fine. For this, open any article on your Word Press page and at the end of the article URL place /amp and open up the link.

Eg: change to

and it should give a similar view as shown below: 

When seeing a view similar to thisthen you've activated AMP correctly.

8: Once you are satisfied with your site, go back to your MarfeelPress Advanced settings and select ALL in the 'choose who can see the Marfeelized version' column and click Save changes.

9: Review your site again to ensure that it is working correctly.

IMPORTANT: Once you've finished the setup, please make sure that you create a screenshot (see image below) with the URL of the site you were activating, and send it to the CS onboarding executive that has been assigned to you to make sure that you've done your setup correctly. If you do not know who your CS onboarding executive is, send an email to informing that you do not know who your CS onboarding executive is and we will inform you who that person is.

If you're still facing any issues, please drop an email to with the subject being MarfeelPress and the keyword of the issue.