DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) is an ad server administered by Google.

Implementation details

DFP is configured with JavaScript tags in a publisher's mobile site.

Activation code snippet

new MarfeelDFP2(translatorClosure)


The most important element to keep in mind when integrating DFP is to properly and accurately identify the following parameters:

  • The slot name or ad unit
  • The sizes
  • The targeting parameters.

Equally as significant, is recognizing whether the identified parameters are static or dynamic and change depending on article, position, and so on. Understanding the logic a customer follows in their setup is crucial to successful integration. 

Establishing whether a customer's map of parameters can be integrated manually or needs to be scraped must also be carefully considered depending on the variety and number of parameters they have. 

Lastly, determining the source of a publisher's targeting is pivotal to integration. In many cases, publishers rely on third party providers such as external DMPs to feed their parameters for targeting, which can also impact integration. 

Tips and tricks

A common practice Marfeel employs in a customer's source code is to run a simple search (Cmd+F) for defineSlot to find all the parameters required for DFP integration which include ad units, sizes, and targeting.

Marfeel engineers also use the Goole Chrome DevTools where they check the request they are performing in the Network tab, and compare it with the customer's source code to ensure they are the same in both cases. 

A common trick also used for integrating interstitials with DFP is to test them in HTML to see if they work properly before integrating it. A lot of interstitials also use the archaic document.write method, however Marfeel has developed a workaround to bypass this.  

Common pitfalls

The most common errors with DFP integration involve making mistakes with the values and parameters required. Examples include:

  • Setting an incorrect parameter such as an inaccurate value in the slot name
  • Forgetting a piece of targeting or incorrectly entering an erroneous targeting value
  • Improperly identifying whether the parameters need to be scraped or entered manually depending on the number.

Essentially, when integrating DFP, it's paramount that a publisher's advertising map be understood, instead of just looking at their code. 

Usage example