To leverage the increased engagement and revenue opportunities a customer's Marfeel-developed native app offers, promoting it to boost downloads is key.  

Smart App Banners allow publishers to promote their native apps when users are on the customer's Marfeelized mobile site while using mobile Safari.

Users that tap the banner are directed to the App store to download the native application. For users that have already downloaded the app, tapping the banner opens the native application on the user's local mobile device.  

Implement the Smart App Banner

To implement the Smart App Banner, the customer must insert the following meta tag in the header of the page, where the APPIDFROMAPPLE is the app identifier in iTunes or the App store.

<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=APPIDFROMAPPLE">

Marfeel will respect the meta tag and display the app banner for devices using iOS 6 and up, viewed in mobile Safari.

Retrieve an app ID from Apple

The app ID from Apple is retrieved from the iTunes page URL for the app.

Therefore in this example, the app ID from Apple is 1234567890 and the meta tag for this customer would resemble the following:

<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=1234567890">

For more information regarding Smart App Banners, see Apple's Promoting Apps with Smart App Banners article.