A publisher's native app rating is a quintessential element that can heavily boost the app's discoverability and installation rate. The Google Play Store and Apple App Store both use an app's rating to rank the native application.

In this regard, it's crucial that users are presented with a clear opportunity to rate a publisher's app and keep it highly regarded and attractive. 

For iOS 10.3 users and later, Marfeel native apps present a native feature to encourage and proliferate rating, instead of relying on users rating the app within the store where it was downloaded which would otherwise be the case. The UI and behavior for this feature was also engineered with the mobile ecosystem's UX best practices in mind including not interrupting the user with a prompt in the middle of their session or requesting a rating before the user has had a chance to even explore the native app.


  1. After the user installs a partner's Marfeel native app, they are prompted to rate it as soon as they open their 5th session. This ensures that the user has actually had the opportunity to fully experience the app and doesn't inundate them needlessly. Initiating this feature at the beginning of the session also ensures that the user's experience isn't interrupted. 
  2. If the user selects Not Now, the prompt is displayed again with the same UI, 5 sessions after the initial prompt.
  3. The prompt is also re-initialized after the app is updated. 


This feature is only supported for iOS 10.3 users and later. Android users or those running older versions of iOS must rate the native app in the corresponding store where it was downloaded.