Pageviews (PV) can be a a significant analytics metric to measure a mobile site's performance. 

Because the Marfeel solution provides a continuous reading experience with a swipe feature, in the past we've been asked how we track pageviews.  

How Marfeel tracks pageviews

In most cases, what we consider a PV, a client's original desktop site will consider it a pageview as well.

More specifically, on our publishers' Marfeelized mobile sites, we count pageviews every time there is a change of URL (except for hashed (#) URLs that link to in-page links). 

For example, the following is how pageviews would be tracked as a user navigates through a typical Marfeelized mobile site:

When the user lands on the homepage of your Marfeel mobile site, a pageview is registered for the homepage.

Home or section pages

When the user taps on the featured article and lands on it, a pageview is registered for the featured article.

Swipe to article or section

When the user swipes from the featured article to the next article, a pageview is registered for the next article. 

Tap on an image to access the gallery

When the user taps the photo for the article, a pageview is registered for the gallery. 

Swipe to next image in the gallery

When the user swipes to the next photo in the gallery, and the photo is from the same article, another pageview is registered for that article.

If the next photo the user swipes to is from a next article, a pageview is registered for the next article. This is only the case for smartphones. Tablets cannot swipe to next article photos in the gallery. 

If the user pinches a photo in an article, a pageview is registered for that gallery. This is only the case in tablets. A pinch in smartphones zooms in on the photo.