To fully leverage Google Play Newsstand and maximize their audience acquisition on the distribution channel, it's important that publishers promote their editions.

There are a number of tools and actions publishers can take to publicize their Newsstand editions and increase their reach. Employing some of these tactics could be decisive because initially, Newsstand may take some time to index an edition, meaning that performing a search in Newsstand for a specific publication, the app might not immediately yield any results. 

The following table provides a summary of the tools and tactics publishers can utilize, but for a detailed overview of all the options available, see this article from the Newsstand Producer Forum.


When content is published in Google Play Newsstand, publishers are provided with a link that can be used to share the edition on social network apps and channels.

WebsitePublishers can also promote their Google Play Newsstand editions on their websites through Newsstand badges, images of their editions, and links to subscribe to their edition.
Social MediaPublishers can either use the link option, or utilize Newsstand's share feature to promote their editions on their social networks.
NewslettersPublishers can also announce their Newsstand editions in any newsletters that they distribute to subscribers.

To learn more about how publishers can drive readership in Google Play Newsstand, see the Gain readership article in the Newsstand Producer Help that offers guidance on how to encourage users to install Google Play Newsstand and follow a publisher's share link for example.