Partners may choose to update their existing app with the Marfeel version in order not to lose any of the users that were using their previous app. 

In this case, before Marfeel can update the partner's app to the Marfeel version in their App and Google Play stores, Marfeel requires the following permissions and files from their specified locations.


1 - iTunes Connect Developer account

Marfeel requires access to iTunes Connect to enter all the metadata of the publisher's app like its name, description, and so on, in the App store. To provide Marfeel with access to their iTunes Connect Developer account, partners need to:

  1. Navigate to and log in with their credentials.
  2. Click Users and Roles.
  3. Click the + icon to add a new user. 
  4. In the Add iTunes Connect User section complete the following:
    1. In the First Name field enter Marfeel.
    2. In the Last Name field enter Devices.
    3. In the Email field enter
    4. Click Next
  5. Select the Admin or App Manager checkbox to assign Marfeel that role.

2 - Apple Member Center

Marfeel requires access to the Apple Member Center to configure all the certificates, IDs, and profiles for the app to be developed for the App store. This step can be quite complicated and is why Marfeel does it on the publisher's behalf. 

To provide Marfeel with access:

  1. Log in to the Apple Member Center using your credentials.
  2. Click the People section in the left panel.
  3. Click the Invite People button.
  4. Enter in either the Invite as Admins or Invite as Members fields and then click Invite.

Certificate creation in the Apple Member Center

At any time, users can only maintain 2 certificates for their account. 

If a partner has none or only one distribution certificate created, then Marfeel can create a new one with Marfeel's CSR and key file. 

If the partner already has two distribution certificates created, Marfeel:

  1. Revokes one of their current certificates so Marfeel can create a new one.
  2. If Marfeel cannot revoke the a certificate, the partner must provide the distribution certificate file to use and the associated .p12 and passwords. For detailed instructions on how to get the distribution certificate and .p12 file, see the Obtain and send the .p12 file section in the Native Apps Developed in the Marfeel App and Google Play Stores article.

3 - Google Play Developer Console

Partners must grant with user permissions by completing the following. This access is needed to establish all the metadata of the app in the Google Play store: 

  1. Log in to the Google Play Developer Console.
  2. Click Settings and then select User accounts & rights.
  3. Select Invite new user and follow the instructions to invite as the new user.
  4. Click the Role drop-down menu and select the following permissions to grant Marfeel:
    1. Visibility
    2. Create & edit draft apps
    3. Edit store listing, pricing & distribution
    4. Manage production APKs
    5. Manage Alpha & Beta APKs.
  5. Click Send Invitation.

For more information regarding adding users and selecting permissions, see the Add developer account users & manage permissions article in the Google Play Console Help page.

4 - Google API Console

Google API Console access is necessary to create and configure credentials and the API key that enables push notifications. 

New API Console project

If the app is a new API Console project, the partner must import the the project into FireBase by completing the following:

  1. Navigate to the FireBase Console and click Import Google Project.
  2. In the pop-up displayed, select the corresponding project to import and then click Add Firebase.

Old API Console project

If the native application is an old API console project - meaning that the partner has an existing app that's being updated to a Marfeel native app - Marfeel requires access to the partner's Google API console. To grant access, they must perform the following steps:

  1. Log into the Google API Console with their credentials.
  2. Select the project associated with your Marfeel native app. 
  3. Click the hamburger menu and select IAM & Admin → IAM.
  4. Click ADD.
  5. In the Add Members pop-up, enter in the Members field and select Editors in the Roles field, and then click Add

If the app for the partner is an update to their previous app, Marfeel requires the keystore files for Android and corresponding passwords. The keystore file was generated and managed by the partner when their original app was built for the Google Play Store. This file must be sent as an attachment to the Customer Success team. For more information regarding the the keystores, see the Sign Your App article by Android Studio.

If the partner doesn't have the keystore file and passwords, the Marfeel app being produced for the partner will not be an updated native app, but will be a new one.