The embed slider is a feature that embeds a swipeable widget directly in the article details of a publisher's Marfeel Progressive Web App (PWA). Users can swipe through the different elements within the slider or use the swipe hints (directional buttons). 

This behavior promotes interaction within a publication to increase engagement by leveraging learned user behaviors like swiping through images. It's also important to remember that depending on a publisher's content and needs, Marfeel may be able to provide other solutions that optimize UX while maximizing ad revenue such as the image gallery or photo article

The other added benefit of the embed slider is that it's extensible to Marfeel-produced AMP pages. Embed sliders in a partner’s Marfeel mobile version are replicated in their Marfeel-produced AMP pages with an AMP carousel. For more information regarding this feature in AMP, see the amp-carousel article by the AMP project.


  1. When a user accesses a publisher's article in their Marfeel mobile version with this feature enabled, the embed slider is displayed with UI hints to promote intuitive interaction and content consumption
  2. The same article's AMP version accessed via has the AMP Carousel embedded for this embed slider.

Technical Details

When a publisher requests this feature for their Marfeel PWA, Marfeel engineers add the corresponding flag to the partner's definition.json and identify the class for the elements to include in the slider. This feature is then extensible to the partner's Marfeel-produced AMP page due to AMP's development and implementation of the AMP Carousel.

To continue displaying the embed slider in their Marfeel PWA articles and corresponding AMP pages, partners would simply need to use the same HTML template for the slider in their desktop version so Marfeel can detect it correctly.