Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a technology initiative that provides a fast delivery format. A publisher's AMP pages are embedded inside on both their search results and carousels. 

How Google AMP works

The Google AMP open source spec defines a limited set of technical functionality to increase the rendering of mobile pages and avoid 'wasteful' behavior. Examples of the technical congestion they've removed include defining size resources like images or iframes within the HTML code, so they don't block the rendering of the mobile page.  

For more information on the Google AMP project see their website or project blog.

The difference between Marfeel and Google AMP

Marfeel is an official AMP technology partner and can implement AMP pages as part of their offer - any customer that uses the Marfeel solution gets AMP pages off-the-shelf.

One of the main differences between the two is that AMP is mostly used when a reader is browsing, whereas Marfeel is used on the publisher's site. Another key difference is monetization; one of our core principles is to maximize revenue and optimize the yield per visit. 

Moreover, Marfeel provides a comprehensive solution where lightning-quick page speed is only one component of the product. A mobile site powered by Marfeel enhances the entire user experience through its revolutionary UX design such as the swipe feature, dynamic sharing bars, galleries, a continuous reading experience, and other built-in elements that optimize user engagement and maximize ad revenue

Using Marfeel-produced AMP pages

Using Marfeel-produced AMP pages provides a consolidated experience across the different channels a publisher's content is accessed (Progressive WebApp, AMP, native applications, etc.) and reinforces one brand identity - we provide the same look and feel, the same UX, and one brand across all channels, in addition to a unified monetization strategy.

Marfeel is also committed to keep improving AMP pages and support the newest and brightest upgrades made that are pushed to all customers with the Marfeel solution. 

The intelligence of our AdDealer and its optimal recognition of the best places to insert ads in a publisher's article is another advantage we deliver with our Marfeel-produced AMP pages.

For information on how to activate them, see the Activate Marfeel-Produced AMP Pages article. To learn more about how AMP sessions are tracked with the Marfeel solution, see the Tracking AMP Pages article.

For more information regarding the various features for Marfeel-produced AMP pages, see one of the following articles: