Marfeel mobile sites accessed on smartphones provide the following features in the footer:
When the user is navigating in the section mosaic of a Marfeelized site, the footer displays the section name and an arrow encouraging the user to click and continue navigating through the publisher's site.
A core element to the Marfeel solution is to provide as many navigational options as possible to optimize time spent on page.

Next article navigation in the article details
In the article details, the smartphone footer displays the name of the next articles with the option to navigate directly to them.
The objective of this feature again is to promote the depth of a publisher's content and contribute to engagement through navigational options.

The smartphone footer also displays a link that directs the user to the publisher's desktop website.
This option is available for the limited percentage of users that may prefer the desktop site to the mobile version. For more information, see the article on the classic version feature the Marfeel solution offers.