To leverage the new readers coming through organic searches or social sharing, publishers require a UX with the behaviors, features, and strategies that optimize recirculation to maximize session time, pageviews, and impressions. Every component of a publication requires the options that proliferate engagement and encourage users to continue discovering content.

Maximizing engagement through a sophisticated UX is a cornerstone of the Marfeel solution. Out-of-the-box, Marfeel delivers the behaviors and features specifically engineered to maximize recirculation and boost engagement with overwhelming success. These specific features are what contribute to the dramatic rise in engagement customers witness after activation, like the 500% increase in pageviews or 150% boost in session time some publishers have seen in specific cases.  

Regardless of its current ability to increase recirculation and maximize a customer's revenue generation through added engagement, Marfeel is committed to continuously improving every facet of its offer.

Always studying and analyzing user behavior and usage patterns to uncover the most effective strategies to maximize engagement and revenue, Marfeel is continually producing new and improved strategies to drive content discovery. 

Currently, Marfeel delivers the following features and behaviors to maximize recirculation and amplify the average session time, pageviews, and impressions registered. Click each to learn more: